Definition of ‘resoundingly, intensely, and remarkably ignorant’…

staging a protest where a handful of black people* burn an American flag in front of a statue of John C Calhoun.  That’s just dumb on multiple levels.  Do they not teach American history any mor… wait, right, they don’t teach American history anymore. Silly me.

Seriously, if you’re scratching your head on this… why are you even reading this site?  Go look up Calhoun on, geez, even Wikipedia will help you understand.  Dear Lord, but I appreciate parochial school more and more as I get older…

Moe Lane

*With the obligatory White Dude, because inserting oneself into a trendy protest happening is Stuff White People Like.

2 thoughts on “Definition of ‘resoundingly, intensely, and remarkably ignorant’…”

  1. After the weekend I had*,(albeit much better than your governor’s.) I appreciate the laugh.
    And laugh I did.
    *Camping, for father’s day. With complaints about bugs, dirt, and boredom a soundtrack in Dolby 5.1 stuck on repeat.

  2. And if I recall correctly Andrew Jackson said something about Nullification to the effect that if it happens he would “personally lead the army into South Carolina and hang the first man I catch to the first tree I find” and people took him seriously because he was Andrew “High Body Count” Jackson.

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