Writing poems!

That’s what I gotta do tonight.  Well, more accurately I gotta revise poems, but that’s pretty close to what I’m doing.  Gonna be a surprise, but I don’t think very many of my household brothers/sisters actually read this blog anyway.

3 thoughts on “Writing poems!”

  1. There once was a poet named Moe
    Who wanted the words forth to flow
    He bidded his time
    With a tankard of wine
    ‘Til the garderobe he needed to go

  2. I draw dungeon geomorphs in my spare time. I bought the original geomorphs set many many moons ago and was boggled at what insanely complicated dungeons they make, even using the basic set, so I decided to start drawing my own. I think I’m up to something like 15 pages of them now.
    Curious sidenote: the math question it asked me to answer was: ___ x 7 = forty-two.

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