Tweet of the Day, Planned Parenthood HATES The Idea of Cruz/Fiorina edition.

You can’t buy this kind of helpful antipathy. It’s practically an in-kind contribution, really. And just in time for Indiana, too.

9 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Planned Parenthood HATES The Idea of Cruz/Fiorina edition.”

  1. IF it’s Cruz/Fiorina, it’s going to be very interesting to see how Silicon Valley takes it.
    There’s still a good bit of residual resentment toward Carly over how she .. reinvented .. Hewlett-Packard into a de facto subsidiary of Compaq.
    I was not inside the change, but I was close enough .. and do not approve of her approach.

    1. Meh. Silicon Valley isn’t voting for any Republican in our lifetimes, anyway…

      1. I’m just hoping that it doesn’t hurt Cruz in the California primary, which may decide who gets the nomination.

      2. In the general, sure. I was pointing out elsewhere that New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan haven’t voted for a Repub in the general since before 2000 ..
        As Finrod notes, though, this isn’t the general ..

        1. Exactly. Cruz doesn’t need Cali to win the general, but he does need it to win the nomination.

  2. Still, I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m not sure who this pick would add to Ted’s camp right now or in the fall. But I’m very much not fond of the idea of electing someone who’s never held elective office to the White House, and VP isn’t much better.

  3. I was a Californiia resident from birth to when I was in my forties and we didn’t give a rip for what Silicon Valley thought.
    That, of course, was when the state was actually competititive for Republicans…
    And stop all this business of calling the state Cali…Cali is city in Colombia, not a state in the Union…and all you kids get off of my lawn…

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