The ‘Cell’ trailer.

Here’s my basic problem with the ‘human’ zombie concept.

Clothes.  As in, they’re wearing them. John Ringo pointed this out in his Black Tide Rising series: if zombies can’t take care of themselves, that very much includes toilet training – with all the long term health disasters that such a thing would entail.  I understand that the book addresses this a bit, but I wonder if the movie will? – Or the fact that half the planet would be asleep when the cell phone ‘Pulse’ went out, and presumably Asia would have turned off the damned cell phone network once they heard that North America went full zombie.

Sorry. I like my zombies nice and magical.  Or at least quickly collapsing under their own contradictions, which is pretty much what happened in 28 Days Later (and never mind the sequel).

4 thoughts on “The ‘Cell’ trailer.”

  1. The first thing I thought of when watching this was that they took the threat from the movie ‘Kingsmen: Secret Service’ and built an entire movie around it.

    1. To be fair, it’s based on a Stephen King book which came out years before Kingsman or the graphic novel Kingsman was adapted from. It’s still one of his stupider concepts though. I remember reading the jacket synopsis years ago in Borders and almost being able to hear old man King yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

  2. Well, Rotten Tomatoes has given in a 0% review meta-rating (0 for 21), and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

    Only 17% of people say they liked it, either, which is probably a more reliable indicator.

    2006 had what I thought was a mostly-good horror movie about the dead coming through cell spectrum, Pulse. Two sequels, but I never saw them.

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