…Also, Marvel’s bringing Iron Fist to Netflix.

2017, because… well. Because they apparently cannot … because it’s… because I don’t know how they’re doing it, man. Oh, I know the basic reason: it’s because Marvel keeps winning. But that doesn’t explain the why. Still, they’ve earned at least a look-see:

5 thoughts on “…Also, Marvel’s bringing Iron Fist to Netflix.”

    1. I remember the Namor, Dr. Strange, Daimon Hellstrom and Hulk version of the Defenders. But apparently they’ve always had kind of a revolving roster.

  1. Both these trailers are short in one would call… set up. Although the Luke Cage one was pretty standard superhero fare: Noble superstrong guy beats up sleezeballs. It works for me.

      1. Or they realize that “noble super strong guy beats up sleazeballs” is the draw.
        Sure, it’s relationships that make the genre run, but they’re not the selling point.

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