The new ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ trailer.

Well, we knew that this was going to show up, here.

I’m just gonna spitball this, though: have we given some consideration to the idea that, maybe, this entire Jedi/Sith dichotomy isn’t working out as a practical working paradigm?  At this point, ‘Jedi’ training consists of whatever Luke remembers of what Yoda and Obi-Wan remembered of their training, and their original training regimen assumed an infrastructure and organization that simply doesn’t exist anymore.  For that matter: the original Jedi organization was, to put it cruelly but accurately, a collection of smug, self-centered chowderheads who fell down on the job and took the Republic with it.

And the Sith? The Sith aren’t any better: they’re just several millennia further down the road that the Jedi are walking, when it comes to training up new members. One master, one apprentice, and aren’t the Sith Lords of Korriban weeping in their tombs right now? They used to have a more formalized system, you know.  In the old days. Not this cobbled-together monstrosity.

…Rey and Kylo Ren should come to an agreement:  stop meddling!  Each goes to opposite ends of the galaxy, and swears not to intervene in Galactic events for five hundred years.  Let them build up whatever it is that they wish to build. And let the Force stop being used as a tool for generals and politicians.

4 thoughts on “The new ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ trailer.”

  1. “…the original Jedi organization was, to put it cruelly but accurately, a collection of smug, self-centered chowderheads who fell down on the job and took the Republic with it.”
    As hinted in the first trailer, even Luke thinks the Jedi are done. In fact, this trailer subtly confirms that Luke has already abandon the Jedi code (he freely admits that Rey’s powers “scares” him).
    I’m thinking that Luke tries to train Rey as a Gray Jedi, botches it, then Rey and Kylo move forward to start a all new order together.

      1. Acceptable? I’m not so sure. You could pull off a Jedi/Sith union as a capstone to a trilogy but not in the middle of one.

    1. Kylo’s guilty of patricide at this point. And the trailer hints that he’s moving toward matricide (which would be convenient, incidentally, given that Carrie Fisher is no longer with us) as well. There’s going to be howling if he gets off lightly after that.

      On another note, when I was watching the trailer and the white dog creatures showed up for a brief moment on-screen, the first thought that popped into my head was “Pokémon!”

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