BEHOLD! The Flying Koala Publishing logos.

That’s what I’ll be publishing things under, you see. Flying Koala. My sister’s a graphic designer, so I hired to do a little work for me:

The smaller one is going to be on the books and stuff: the bigger one’s for if I ever need a logo for a con or something. She was originally going to do something more colorful, but I like the black and white. It pops for me, or whatever the phrase is.

That was a large part of my day, really. How was yours?

8 thoughts on “BEHOLD! The Flying Koala Publishing logos.”

      1. It is an in-joke between me and my wife. Also, there’s a gaming company called Evil Hat, so it might have ended up being confusing.

        1. Does the in-joke have to do with “All’s Faire in Love”, the ren-fest movie with Christina Ricci? That is the only thing I can think of tying giraffe’s and koala together.

          1. No, it was a Christmas present: it’s her as an Cherub Archangel. So, basically, a winged koala bear with a toolkit. 🙂

  1. Does your sister have a site or other method to contact her for hire? My wife’s business is looking for a graphic designer, and she likes the look of your logos.

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