The reassuring ‘American Gods’ series trailer.

‘Reassuring’ in that I kept recognizing characters and scenes on sight, which tells me that the original novel was not an afterthought to the people who made the American Gods series. Certainly Neil Gaiman seems to be happy enough.  It’s a real shame that I’ll need to wait for the DVD for this one:

Book of the Week: American Gods.

How did I miss making American Gods Book of the Week? It’s a great book! Any week!  Maybe I just assumed that you all read it already?  Anyway, if you haven’t read it it’s a book that assumes that all gods are real if you believe in them, and stay real even after you stop believing in them.  …It’s an excellent example of a Neil Gaiman novel, in other words.  You know how those go.

And so, adieu to The Last Centurion.