We Shall Not Permit Them Even Death: Bruce Willis sells deepfake rights.

God help us all.

We certainly live in s strange and exciting technological age when it comes to filmmaking. Bruce Willis may have retired from acting, but it looks like we won’t see the last of the actor. Willis has become the first star in Hollywood to sell his rights to allow a “digital twin” of himself to be created for use on screen in TV and film.

Put another way…

Continue reading We Shall Not Permit Them Even Death: Bruce Willis sells deepfake rights.

Tweet of the Day, I Think @SonnyBunch Is Maybe Right About The Razzies edition.

I’ve never really liked the Razzies all that much. The original idea was funny, but mean – and since then, it feels like the funny has leached away, leaving only the mean. Which should be instructive, I guess.

I am uncertain about the need for a Death Wish remake.

The new Death Wish is apparently coming out November 22nd, and it’s starring Bruce Willis.  I say ‘apparently’ because it’s been a troubled project, with multiple directors and whatnot. I also have to wonder: does it make sense to make a movie like that, these days? Continue reading I am uncertain about the need for a Death Wish remake.

“A Good Day To Die Hard.”

McClane’s going to Russia!


You know, the only reason – the only reason – why I’m not declaring kanly right now is because Red Did Not Suck. ‘Course, I said the same thing about Live Free or Die Hard, so we’re having the ‘unreliable narrator’ problem again…

Moe Lane

Via @jtLOL.  Who is being a bit mean to Bruce Willis: the man’s only 56.  Besides: we cheerfully watched Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood be old badasses, didn’t we?