Finally got the new crown in…

…which more or less also killed the day. I’m not exactly sure why that should be, but that’s what happened. At least it was a quiet da… oh, dear, the Democrats are apparently trying to shut down the government. God, January can’t come fast enough.

On the other hand: I can eat hard foods again!  So, hey, net plus for the day.

So, THAT’S how it feels to have a broken crown removed…

…and replaced with a temporary one for the next three weeks*.  Can’t say that I enjoyed the experience very much, particularly since the dentist is not ruling out a root canal.  Which is fine, because it’s a back tooth; so I’m not ruling out an extraction.  I feel that this makes us roughly even.

Yes, I know that this isn’t supposed to be a competition.  Look, I don’t like needles and I don’t like drills in my mouth, OK? So forgive me my little stress management techniques.

Moe Lane

*In two weeks it’ll be Thanksgiving.