Book of the Week: ‘Digital Divide.’

I’d actually recommend the series: Digital Divide is simply the first book in a three book series (so far) by K.B. Spangler, who also writes the A Girl And Her Fed webcomic that I am currently in the process of archive-diving.  Set in the same universe as the AGAHF webcomic, Digital Divide is what happens when you take a DC police procedural and put a bunch of people with nethacking chips in their heads in it. I read all three books in the series, one right after the other; I quite enjoyed them. I do find several of her political opinions to be… incorrect; but there’s nothing about that that’s worth making a fuss over. Well worth picking up the first one, and seeing if you like it, at the very least. I certainly plan to read the fourth book, when it comes out.

And so, adieu to Bride of the Rat God.
Continue reading Book of the Week: ‘Digital Divide.’

In the e-book: Digital Divide.

Digital Divide is an interesting book: it’s apparently a spin-off from the A Girl and Her Fed webcomic, which I discovered recently and am now trying to decide whether or not to archive-dive.  I’m about 1/4 through the book itself, and I’m enjoying it: I’d be farther along in it if my youngest would only stop grabbing the Kindle every five minutes.  Such are the perils of modern family life.

As for the plot of Digital Divide: it’s kind of about police work, kind of about cyborgs – and kind of about something else that I haven’t actually gotten to, yet (youngest grabbing the Kindle, remember?).  Well worth the three bucks I paid for it. Check it out.