Location Seed: Happy World.

Based, more or less, on this.


Happy World

Type of City: Brigadoon/Carcosa

Population: Highly variable. Typically between 25,000 and 150,000.

Size: Variable. Usually roughly between 20 and 50 square miles.

Level of Technology: A range between the late Victorian and early Interplanetary era-equivalents.

It is said – although nowhere that a regular person might hear it – that every time the concept of an individual amusement park or carnival dies, the ever-shifting and moving city known as ‘Happy World’ will appear to draw in a piece of that doomed park unto itself.  Typically this means that when a carnival goes out of business, some of its buildings and attractions (and staffers!) somehow vanish in the chaos.  But Happy World will still come and do its harvesting if the park was never actually built in the first place. Dreams, reality, material, immaterial; it is all one to Happy World. Continue reading Location Seed: Happy World.