NEW MUTANTS is back, and …unspoiled.

NEW MUTANTS is coming out in April of this year, after all. Some day I want to hear what happened with this movie. I get the impression that stuff went down:

The development of this film has been on a long journey and while it was still at Fox, there were plans for some heavy reshoots and the release of the film kept getting delayed. As far as I know, those reshoots never happened and once the film ended up at Disney we were waiting to see if any of the planned reshoots would happen under their watch. Well, it looks like Disney won’t be doing any reshoots.

Director Josh Boone recently confirmed in a conversation on Twitter that this movie will be the original version of the film that he always intended on making. Boone was asked if this would be the OG version of the movie that he shot. The director responded with, “I wouldn’t be promoting it here if it wasn’t.”

I must say: the Mouse has a much lighter hand than I expected. At least in some cases. I’m still astounded that they let ROGUE ONE end… appropriately. Go figure, huh?