Book of the Week: Norse Mythology.

Although it’s more like that Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology (What’s it about?  Just what it says on the label, folks) is this week’s Book that I keep reminding myself to actually read so I’m using this as a reminder of the Week.  There’s no earthly reason why I haven’t read it yet.  Shoot, my wife probably has it on her Kindle, at that.  I guess it just fell through the cracks.

Welp, easily fixed.

Tweet of the Day, I Find No Flaws In This Norse Mythology Flowchart edition.

I’ll have to show it to my wife, though.  She’s the Anglo-Saxon/Viking/Northern European history expert* in the household, so something that would pass my scrutiny might trip her not-accurate sensors in this case.

*We tend to divvy up academic topics, here at Chez Lane. More efficient that way.

[Since edited to properly attribute the author.]