:massaging bridge of nose: Why are they making another Terminator movie?

They really and truly did.  It’s too late to stop it, without, say, time travel: Terminator was shot in Hungary last year.  It’s also apparently throwing out everything that happened after Terminator 2, which is admittedly the smart play, but… look.  What is the reason for this? Continue reading :massaging bridge of nose: Why are they making another Terminator movie?

Tweet of the Day, He’ll Be Back. And Retconning. edition.

Alternative title: here we go again.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, He’ll Be Back. And Retconning. edition.

Does anybody actually WANT another Terminator film at this point?

I liked Terminator and Terminator 2, and stopped caring after that. So perhaps I am jaundiced, or cynical.  But I still can’t quite grasp what the attraction is for this:

[James] Cameron is currently discussing the possibility of updating the franchise with a trio of films. “I am in discussions with David Ellison, who is the current rights holder globally for the Terminator franchise and the rights in the U.S. market revert to me under U.S. copyright law in a year and a half so he and I are talking about what we can do. Right now we are leaning toward doing a three-film arc and reinventing it.”

Continue reading Does anybody actually WANT another Terminator film at this point?

Idle speculation on Terminator franchise.

Few movie series raise such organized ire as the Terminator movies, and I think that I have a handle on why.  It’s an expectations thing.

  • The Terminator? Great horror flick.  Great horror flick.  Science fiction flavored, of course: but they had a classic horror scenario and Schwarzenegger made for an iconic Monster.  So far, so good.
  • Which meant that when Terminator 2 – Judgment Day came out, everybody was wearily certain that it was going to suck.  Sequels often do, when it comes to horror flicks; all the really good stuff was used in the first movie.  However, Cameron decided to do a more straightforward action film and spend insane amounts of money on the latest special effects; in other words, It Did Not Suck.
  • Expectations were thus raised even higher… and the next two flicks were, well, meh.

It’s the ‘meh’ that causes the most drama on the Internet, methinks.

Wait a second: Terminator Salvation grossed 370M?

I swear, this was my first reaction to the news that the Terminator franchise might end (via the Rhetorician)- and not due to Terminator Salvation:

The Terminator franchise is in jeopardy. The question is, do we care?

The recent Halcyon bankruptcy announcement has raised some eyebrows, because it seems bizarre for the producers of the $370 million worldwide grosser Terminator Salvation to be running on empty.

I mean, didn’t it suck?

So, I guess that I have to go see Terminator Salvation.

Come, I will hide nothing from you: I never saw Terminator 3, because it looked really stupid. Apparently, everyone else agreed – including Cracked.com, which displays its baffled love for all things Terminator-y with these sentences:

For a quick idea of the [Sarah Connor] Chronicles timeline, imagine every single Doctor Who, drunk, on pogo sticks. And half of them are killer robots. And please convince someone to make that movie.

Also included there is a timeline of the Terminator franchise (absent the Sarah Connor Chronicles); for more in that vein, complete with extra pound-your-head-against-the-wall action, see here.

Moe Lane