#rsrh I got two comments on this neo-Fascist paean…

…that Esquire put out about the President, and how he’s so dreamy.  Well, three: the first is that I don’t actively blame President Obama for people writing embarrassingly man-crush-tastic pieces about him, I still judge the guy for encouraging the practice.  Seriously, dude: you’re the President of the United States. You don’t need other people to keep defining your inner value for you, you know what I mean?

Anyway, the other two points:

  1. If you read that piece and started going, God help our educational system, breathe easier: this author is Canada’s problem, not ours.
  2. I felt that the photo to the article lacked something:

There.  Fixed.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh I got two comments on this neo-Fascist paean…