Something, Beatles
The goal of performance is to create something with this much love in it.
Yes, it’s a weird and maybe kind of uncanny video. I have to work with what I got.
IF you agree with the position that the Beatles represented a major transformation in popular music when they appeared on the scene, and IF you also accept the argument that rock and folk replaced jazz and blues as the music most commonly associated with disaffection and dissent, then: what would have Woodstock sounded like, absent the existence and career of the Beatles? Would have it been a jazz/blues-centric event? Would have it been less white? Less focused on Vietnam?
Somebody should write a story on that. Somebody who knows the time period and musical genres better than I do, mind.
Moe Lane
PS: Sorry. I just wonder about this scenario every time I listen to this song. Which is fairly often.
I’ve never actually seen any of them – besides Yellow Submarine, of course. Are they worth perusing? I mean, we don’t even really make that kind of movie anymore. Or do we? I haven’t really thought about this particular genre before today, which is kind of odd when you think about it.
Getting back in the swing of this feature, so a repeat.
“Let it be,” Let It Be (Remastered)