[UPDATE] Via Brother Caleb: Salon is very, very unhappy at this commercial. Savor it, my droogies. Savor.
Via a will-remain-nameless colleague, the language is very rough, but the sentiment is very real:
The New F***ing Citibank – watch more funny videos
Dunno whether to tag this as politics or not-politics. Probably both.
but lampooning Palin’s children and making her look like a drooling buffoon in order to paint half the country as backward hicks … THAT they find funny.
We have already NaAtionalized CITIBANK moneywise, we have everything but the FUCKING ability to go on and get their toxic assets off the books which means we will continue to FUCKING bleed wasted taxpayer money into them while they continue to not FUCKING loan it out until they FUCKING go under. WE SHOULD GO AHEAD AND NATIONALIZE THEM RIGHT NOW SO WE SPLIT THEM UP AND STOP THE FUCKING HEMORRAGING OF TAXPAYER MONEY BUT THE FUCKING SHAREHOLDERS WOULD TAKE A FUCKING BATH SO THEY KEEP FUCKING STOPPING US!