Didn’t mention me by name, didn’t get my actual status on RedState quite right,* didn’t link to the original piece (or, indeed, to the the site itself), and for all I know it’s website-only** – but my wife seems to think that getting quoted still counts. Even if it was sort of out of context.
Yeah, I know: overly fussy of me. Particularly since a couple of people are probably grinding their teeth right now over the Old Grey Lady referring to RedState as ‘popular.’
Moe Lane
*They called me a ‘commentator’ instead of a ‘site moderator’ – or, as it says on my business cards, ‘Chief Protocol Officer.’ Although, honestly? The correct title would probably be more like this.
**It’s rude to go through a paper at the store and see if an article made the print section. As for buying a New York Times… well, what would I do with one, once I had it? I don’t own a canary.
Crossposted to RedState.
You could to Tie Times crossword puzzle.
OK, those *are* good, but *I’m* not good at crossword puzzles.
You have gotten to the next level, Moe! What are you going to do next?
It may be an web-only article, but anti-GOP content is assuredly not “subscription-only” on the NYT site.
What about this paper with a strong brand that relies on history to sell hit-or-miss journalism today? Probably best they didn’t name you.