It’s weird, actually: thanks to the generosity of a RedState reader I finally got around to reading Liberal Fascism (good book, but I knew most of it already; still, nice to have it collated) and I just snagged Hitler’s War today. I think that I’ve used both of them for Books of the Week, though, so recycling either wouldn’t really work.
Anybody have a suggestion of a good one?
How about “The History of Farting”?
I blogged about it. And, at the (probable) retail price of $3.98, somebody might actually click the link to buy it.
Done The Webster’s Dictionary (by Benko, not the actual Dictionary) yet?
One word: Twilight.
Not that I’ve read the book. Though, it seems everyone else I know (including guy friends) have already read it too.
Either that or World War Z.
Well I just finished rereading the Puppet Masters for the first time in probably 25 years, and it was an amazingly topical book for being written in 1951. Other than that? Not sure, I have about 150 in my ‘to be read’ pile, and it’s not shrinking very fast.
Black Swan by Nassim Taleb. Pertinent, easy to read, and kryptonite to central-planners.