[UPDATE] I was emailed that it was Louie Gohmert (R TX-01). Looking for video.
[ANOTHER UPDATE]: Short, sweet, and to the point:
I’m not following the floor action on the House health care rationing bill – I figure it’ll eventually pass the House somehow, and I am still fighting a cold – so I didn’t see this. Which is a shame, because it must have been hysterical:
Fun stuff…Hoyer led the House in cheering for John [Dingell]. Nice touch and all but then a Republican got up and asked unanimous consent that [Dingell] be given back the Chairmanship of the House Energy And Commerce Committee. Pelosi replaced him, the Dean of the House, with Henry Waxman because [Dingell], being from Michigan, would never have moved on Cap and Tax.
Well played. I’d love to know who did this, and whether it was done on his or her own initiative.
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.
I believe it was Louie Gohmert