…(‘this’ being #8 of Unintentionally Offensive Versions of Famous Logos), or I am very tired: it took me a couple of minutes to figure it out. Click on the link and see how long that it takes you.
But it is offensive, for a lot of people out there.
…(‘this’ being #8 of Unintentionally Offensive Versions of Famous Logos), or I am very tired: it took me a couple of minutes to figure it out. Click on the link and see how long that it takes you.
But it is offensive, for a lot of people out there.
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I’m totally missing it. Feel free to set my thick head straight.
Compare it to the original. If it still doesn’t click, click this link.
I never did get it. Not even clicking the cartoon link. So consider me very, very, very tired.
OK, then: the Google logo in that picture uses the Comic Sans font.
I must be thick-headed. How can anyone hate a font, or think it conveys so much?? I like Comic Sans because it’s clear and easy to read, even in places where bolding isn’t allowed. Methinks these folks need lives. Or pets, or rats in the walls… something to make them look away from the shiny little screen for a while.
Happy New Year, all!