Meet Tom Reed (R CAND, NY-29).

Tom’s been planning to run in the general election [for this seat] – which as you might recall, was 1st-term Eric Massa’s, until he fled it on what could only be called ‘lurid’ circumstances – since last year. He’d be happy to run in a special election, too – assuming that Governor Paterson plans to follow the Constitution and actually schedule one.

Tom’s site is here. This race was always a strong pick-up opportunity; but this latest shenanigan from Paterson should seriously concern everybody.

Moe Lane

But I haven’t even finished Diablo *II*…

…Well, yes, I have no excuse for that, really: I had merely gotten to the last board in the expanded version with my Necromancer and was busy playing bang-bang-bang-Scroll of Town Portal-breathe-bang-bang-bang when the computer crashed. I stopped playing in frustration for just long enough for it to get caught up in the ‘upgrading the computer cycle’ fallout.

Anyway, they’re coming out with Diablo III, and I feel vaguely ashamed that I never finished Diablo II. Yes, I know, I know: this is from last November.

I was busy with the birth of my second kid, ‘kay?

If it’s Friday, it’s time for another round of we-hate-Israel from the Unhinged Left.

Silly Moe.  Every day is We-hate-Israel Day for the Unhinged Left.

Question and answer time with Uncle Moe:

Q. How can one reconcile the position of Media Matters hack M.J. Rosenberg that American opinions towards Israel (safe link; H/T Instapundit) are driven by Republican anti-Muslim hatred with the minor detail that the administration’s latest anti-Israel policy was formally deplored by 327 members of Congress?

A. Media Matters hires crazy people.


Q. Do you think that Media Matters will contest that interpretation?

A. Who cares?  They’d contest the heliocentric theory if a Republican espoused it too loudly.

Crossposted to RedState.

Bart Stupak (D, MI-01) cuts and runs.

(Via The Business Insider) No question mark on this: Marc Armbinder’s first mention has been expanded upon here, and CBS News is now reporting it as well.  This should surprise nobody: we’ve been expecting this announcement since Wednesday.  Particularly since the Tea Party folks are going to – justifiably – claim at least the assist on this scalp*.

So… Stupak betrays the pro-life movement and his district, then quits rather than face the wrath of either.  And don’t weep for him: he’ll segue right into the comfortable life of a DC lobbyist, which means that he’ll probably get a pay raise and will certainly enjoy the remainder of his term, free from the nagging terror beginning to fill the lives of his Democratic colleagues.  Because you cannot trust a ‘conservative’ Democrat.

Either side.

Moe Lane

PS: The Dan Benishek saga teaches us why we support as many candidates as we can, as much as we can, in as many districts as we can.  Three months ago this seat was deemed safe for the DemocratsNow it’s a pickup. Continue reading Bart Stupak (D, MI-01) cuts and runs.

Nazis + Shroud of Turin + [Commando Team] = Box Office GOLD.

(Via POWIP) Gold, I tell you:

According to an Italian monk, the real reason the Holy Shroud was hidden in a remote monastery in southern Italy during World War II was to protect it from the thieving hands of the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

We make the commando team Allied, not American: that way you can also have the Unflappable Brit What Expects Things To Be Done By The Plan, the French Resistance Femme Fatale With A Past, the Polish Priest (And In-Joke) Who Can Get Us Into The Monastery, and the African-American Pilot Who For Once We Don’t Have To Shoehorn Into The Plot Like They Had To Do In U-571.  Back-drop it against the bombing of the Montecassino monastery in 1944 (hush); add one standard SS Ahnernerbe occult acquisition squad (double hush); and, of course, a CGI budget that blots out the sun.

Plot?  Plot?  The plot is Blow Stuff Up Real Good.  In Italy.  With occasional flashes of Wrath of God.

Yeah.  Tell me you wouldn’t watch that.

#rsrh A (rare) moment of agreement with TPM.

Background here: anyway, Josh Marshall puts it damned succinctly: “I’m curious whether under international law a diplomat can be expelled from a host country simply for being a raging c@#k.”

Allahpundit says sort of.  I figure that this guy’s on the short list for a PNG, but they may trade that formal procedure for a quiet out-the-door in a couple of weeks.

Specter scores a Twofer.

And some Democrats still wonder why Specter’s underwater in the polls. Via Hot Air, here we see Specter forgetting that he no longer gets the support of the College Republicans:

But that’s not the best part! The best part is, the College Democrats didn’t endorse him, either.

This is like a cry for help, isn’t it? Well, I’m sure that the Other Side can get right on that. He’s their problem now, after all.

Moe Lane

PS: Toomey.

Crossposted to RedState.