The 2009/2010 special elections, to date.

I’d like to unpack this paragraph from the Hotline, mostly because the assumptions behind it are in in large part why the Democrats all of a sudden have found themselves in trouble this election cycle.

But the elections present a problem for the NRCC, too. The 2 specials so far during Pres. Obama’s term have both been in GOP-heavy seats. Dems have won both. The DCCC knows how to run and win a race; special elections put pressure on the NRCC, which already has limited resources, to demonstrate they can too.

To begin: “The 2 specials so far during Pres. Obama’s term have both been in GOP-heavy seats. Dems have won both.”

Err. No. To quote a scientist friend of mine; that’s not even wrong. Continue reading The 2009/2010 special elections, to date.

#rsrh The DCCC’s Tony Hawk Ride* strategy.

I almost looked at the rapidly expanding irony of this and said “I got nothing”…

Van Hollen: Democrats to Once Again Run As Party of Change
By Tory Newmyer, CQ-Roll Call

House Democrats plan to revive the political ghost of former President George W. Bush in their bid to retain the majority this fall, according to Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), the head of the party’s re-election efforts.

Van Hollen, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, on Tuesday signaled House Democrats will try to repeat their success in the last two election cycles by once again running under a change banner.

…but my limited, secondhand awareness of video game culture has saved me. You know, it’s a rare day that one can successfully link to a Penny Arcade comic for the purposes of serious political commentary.

Today is a rare day.

Moe Lane

(H/T @jeffemanuel) Continue reading #rsrh The DCCC’s Tony Hawk Ride* strategy.

#rsrh Jeff Goldstein is not ‘icky.’

For that matter, the last time I checked (five minutes ago) , neither was his site Protein Wisdom.

That is all.

Moe Lane

PS: OK, I may think that Jeff sometimes lets the Left get to him a little; honestly, the best way to handle people who want you to die in a fire is to feed on their hate with the happy knowledge that you’re doing your job properly. Hardly ‘icky,’ though.

Meet Charlotte Bergmann (R CAND, TN-09).

She’s running in Steve Cohen’s district, and for some reason* she’s very, very annoyed that Rep. Cohen is going around accusing Tea Partiers of being racist, would-be Klansmen.

Charlotte’s site is here: please check it out.

Moe Lane Continue reading Meet Charlotte Bergmann (R CAND, TN-09).

Meet Bobby Schilling (R CAND, IL-17).

He’s running against Phil Hare; yes, Hare’s the guy that can’t tell the Constitution from the Declaration of Independence. Interestingly, Bobby reported in the interview that apparently this isn’t the first time that Hare’s done this. It’s always sad when our elected officials start treating their seats as rights, not privileges…

Bobby’s website is here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh Tom Daschle will not be… *avenged*.

The amazing part of this story is how calmly people are taking it:

S.D. Dems Skip Senate Race Against GOP’s Thune

PIERRE — South Dakota Democrats have failed to find a candidate to challenge Republican U.S. Sen. John Thune.

Democratic Party officials had acknowledged earlier they might not find anyone to run against Thune, a popular politician who is seeking a second term in the Senate. The lack of a Democratic candidate became official Thursday when election officials posted the final list of candidates who submitted nominating petitions to run for statewide offices and the Legislature in the June primary.

Jim Geraghty notes that this isn’t going to help Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin; I’ll add that it’s not good news for probable Democratic gubernatorial challenger Scott Heidepriem, either.  On paper, this is not a bad battleground for the Democratic party.  They have an incumbent Democrat in the at-large House seat: a retiring Republican governor opening up that position; and a Republican Senator who beat the Democratic Senate Majority Leader in a squeaker in a GOP-friendly year up for re-election.  They should be aiming for a sweep; instead, they’ve cut their resources down to the bone.

Well, it’s easy to bet big when you’re winning anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: Thanks for the seat!  We’re going to use the resources we saved from not having to defend it to pick off a couple of Democratic-held House districts.  Much obliged!