6 thoughts on “Hi, let me depress you.”

  1. Unfair? To who, me? That web site is awful. No sign of the actual comic, splattered full of cycle-eating animated flashvertisements, topped off with an auto-play episode of the TV show.

    The whole thing is a prime example of the attention deficit disorder school of web design.

  2. I have to agree with them, Moe. The garfield one is so bad that I would only consider reading it if I could get the cartoon on an RSS feed, so that I never, ever had to go to the website. But then again, that’s basically how I read all my webcomics.

  3. Add me to the RSS school of comic reading (even if the feed just tells me when they update). And the Flash hating one too.

  4. OMG, people are still reading Garfield? That has to be the most unfunny comic since Charles Schulz assumed room temperature.

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