Hi! This post is for the benefit of whomever, starting next January, is going to be in charge of soon-to-be Chairman Darrell Issa’s Oversight and Government Reform investigation team. I think that there’s a non-trivial chance that this New York Times report of the White House evading its own ethics rules by deliberately meeting with lobbyists off site (and thus, without having to to log in lobbyist visits) for ‘coffee’ may abruptly become not available after November, so I’m taking the time to reproduce the names of everybody in the article after the fold.
You know. Just in case anybody in the 112th Congress’s Oversight committee wanted to have a chat with any of them.
- Andre Williams, manager, Caribou Coffee (sorry, man)
- Mike Henly, WHCA
- Rich Gold, Democratic lobbyist
- Dan Pfeiffer, WH Director of Communications
- David Wenhold, president, American League of Lobbyists
- Rahm Emanuel, WH Chief of Staff
- Jim Messina, WH deputy Chief of Staff
- Norm Eisen, Special Assistant for Ethics
- ‘senior aides,’ OMB
- ‘senior aides,’ energy czar’s office
- Authors: Eric Lichtblau Ron Nixon, & Ashley Parker
Moe Lane