PA being “Penny Arcade:”
Actually, speaking of the Bible, I just sent Xbox Live’s Major Nelson an e-mail. The subject line was “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.” The message body read “n/t,” because you don’t really need any t to express why the subject line might say such a thing. What a terrible job his must be – to act as the community pinata for decisions made twenty floors above his head.
Wow. You know, I don’t even have an Xbox and I can imagine how this one is going to go down.
Eh, it doesn’t really bug me all that much. The number of folks they lose on the margin from going from $50 to $60 is very, very small compared to the number of folks that they lose for charging at all. Most of the nerd-rage is going to come from folks who aren’t currently subscribing anyways.
Oh, I dunno, I have some nerd rage at being asked to pay more for the same, especially when it seems like we’re subsidizing the Kinect money losing venture.