It shows. This one was probably my favorite:
This is what an eloquent first lady’s writing looks like: “Though some Afghan leaders have condemned the violence and defended the rights of women, others maintain a complicit silence in hopes of achieving peace. But peace attained by compromising the rights of half of the population will not last. Offenses against women erode security for all Afghans — men and women. And a culture that tolerates injustice against one group of its people ultimately fails to respect and value all its citizens.” Yeah, I miss her too.
Who doesn’t? Well, the antiwar movement, of course. Then again, they hated the liberation of Afghanistan, too – so we already were aware of their lack of judgment*.
Moe Lane
*Remember: Not In Your Name.
Not then.
Not now.
Not ever.
I love Jennifer Rubin’s writing. I am signed up to Commentary’s RSS Feed just because I love her daily “Flotsam and Jetsam” articles.