Actual thought process on this one:
I don’t know why people are making such a big deal about a reprint of Agatha H. and the Airship City (Girl Genius) anyway OH WOW IT’S AN ACTUAL HONEST-TO-GOD BOOK INSTEAD OF JUST A HARDCOVER OF ALL THE COMICS WHICH WOULD NOT BE A BAD THING BUT OH WOW THIS IS SO COOL.
And so, adieu to The Difference Engine (Spectra special editions).
FYI if you want this for your Kindle, Baen does the ebooks for Nightshade, so you can get it here:
Six bucks for a DRM-free edition in any format you want. Or you could pay $8 for a DRM-encumbered version that probably results in net less money to the authors.
Hmph. I want the Professors Foglio to write the Heterodyne Boys adventures.
Maybe if this one sells?