Of course, the religious fanatics are Greenies having heart palpatations over the thought of somebody actually daring to want to dig uranium – URANIUM! URANIUM! URANIUMURANIUMURANIUMURANIUMURANIUMURANIUM!!!!! – out of the ground – and the job creation is for the aforementioned uranium digging. Those silly, silly non-Greenies. Don’t they understand that their natural destiny is to get service-sector jobs?
Via Glenn Reynolds. Who is about as respectful of these people’s motivations as I am; which is to say, not at all.
Moe Lane
PS: Yes, I know that mining can be messy. Is this not why we have an EPA (created by a conservative President, you know) in the first place? Besides, it’s not like we’re Commies, or anything.
Um, Nixon was many things. Conservative, at least how we define it today, was NOT one of them.
Hey Moe, we are trying to separate Conservatives from Republicans. Why are you setting back that movement?