The next time one of ’em wants to whine and moan to you about all those awful right-wingers out there and their literal belief in Genesis, look ’em in the eye and say “Young-Earth Creationism doesn’t kill kids*.”
Doctor Andrew Wakefield – anti-vaccination nut – killed kids. And elements of the progressive and radical Left ate that stuff up with a spoon. Which they will now pretend to have never done. So I don’t think that I’m particularly obliged to listen to the smug sneers of anybody who doesn’t want to face that particular unfortunate truth…
Moe Lane
*At some point during this post I’m expected to issue a pro forma disavowing of Genesis literalism, thus showing that I’m hip to the culture or something. You know something? Forget that: Young-Earth Creationists don’t put my kids at risk. I’ll worry about their religious beliefs when they start impacting on my actual daily life, thanks.
But Moe, that paper was PEER-REVIEWED!
I’ve said it before, and this is another case in point: a leftoid is a person who aches to be a mass murderer, but is too finicky and pusillanimous to get the actual blood on his/her actual hands. People who aren’t so delicate and pusillanimous, but have the same ambition, use them for an excuse.
Oh, c’mon, Moe. Wakefield’s research was endorsed by a Playboy Playmate of the Year. Of COURSE it was legitimate.
+1 Demosthenes.