I woke up far too early, and ready to run over to my eldest son’s preschool program and start raising an unholy stink… over comments made in a dream.
Well, I guess that it’d qualify as a ‘nightmare,’ then. I used to have this sort of thing (usually stress-triggered) happen in college; they tapered off and eventually stopped happening altogether as I got older (I can’t say that I missed them, much). The last flare-up was… oh. Oh, crud. The 2004 election cycle (which was a lot more stressful than the 2008 one, which at least had the soothing power of inevitable DOOM). Yet one more thing to look forward to.
So: I am in a foul and cranky mood this morning. Hopefully, coffee will help.
Moe Lane
Coffee is like liquid duct tape. There are few problems it can’t help with.
I had a friend who once told us that he had a recurring dream of firing a pistol and the bullets would just dribble out of the barrel. He could not understand why we all started laughing at him. Freud wasn’t always wrong.
Does it help that Prosser can now march out and declare himself the winner in the WI judicial election? I’m tired of hearing Kloppenburg declare herself the winner at the top and bottom of each hour on the radio….Prosser’s turn.
Oh, it’s going to be a fun couple of months, let me tell you.
At least the day ended better than it started.