Only… don’t run for the House, OK? Your talents would be wasted in the House. Senate! You want to run for Florida Senate! Sure, there’s a sitting Democrat there right now, but your allies among the netroots would line up to throw money at your candidacy against Bill Nelson*. It would be a glorious sight. GLORIOUS!
I won’t beg – I suspect that you enjoy that sort of thing far too much – but I will say this. This is your destiny.
Your destiny.
Via Hot Air Headlines.
*Admittedly, about a quarter of them would be throwing money at you because they thought that they were throwing money at a primary challenge to Ben Nelson of Nebraska, another quarter of them would contribute thinking that they were funding a primary challenge to Ben Nelson in Florida, and a third quarter of them would donate because they thought that you were running in the Nebraska primary against Bill Nelson – but, hey! The money doesn’t decrease in value just because it used to be held by idiots, am I right?