I presume that the goal of the New York Times here is to try to get Republicans currently riled at McConnell also riled at Boehner, and vice versa. Which is their privilege as an unofficial, yet obvious Democratic party house organ; but I fail to see why the obvious truth that the two men have decided to work together is such a surprise. As Samuel Johnson once noted:
Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.
…and God knows that four years of Democratic control of Congress and three of the Presidency have certainly done much to slowly strangle the fiscal life out of the country already. That the two top Republicans in Congress have decided in response to act like adults and not like spoiled, petulant children is hardly newsworthy, is it?
Don’t answer that.
Moe Lane
(Via Hot Air Headlines)