Tim Pawlenty repeats call to hang tough on debt ceiling.

It’s hardly a surprise – Pawlenty has been arguing since January that automatically raising the debt ceiling without exhausting other options (read: spending cuts) first is a bad idea – but the video below shows that the former Governor of Minnesota continues to want Republican legislators to not back down on this issue:

As GOP 12 noted, this statement by Pawlenty…

Now is the time. The hour is late, and these problems are big, and the only way you’re going to get people to do something tough is to put their backs up against the wall.

…sounds a lot like what Erick Erickson was saying this morning:

…here is my big point — you have to win this fight. If you do not win this fight, there will be no more chances to turn back government. Why? Because President Obama is holding senior citizens hostage with their social security checks.


This is a time for choosing. Choose wisely.

Both Erick and Tim are correct.  We cannot sustain indefinitely spending money that we don’t have.  A government program is not sacrosanct simply because it has been funded in the past.  The Republican party will be accused of every crime under the sun no matter what we do, so we might as well do the right thing.  It’s better to win a fight on principles than it is to win an election.

And taking heed of the counsel of our fears is a habit best left to our political opponents.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: I am a Tim Pawlenty supporter, but it’s much more important that the other Republican candidates take the same position on this than it is that Pawlenty gets all the credit for it.  This is not a time for political games.

2 thoughts on “Tim Pawlenty repeats call to hang tough on debt ceiling.”

  1. Better still that we both hold fast to principles and win the election. Which, given President Obama’s falling poll numbers the longer this mess goes on, looks eminently achievable at this point. (For what it’s worth, I am willing to raise the debt ceiling one more time, on two conditions: first, that we get a GREAT bargain for it, and second, that it is positively the LAST time.)

  2. “It’s better to win a fight on principles than it is to win an election.” The only people who are gunning for this fight are the tea party pols. Those with a history of accommodation, like McConnell and Boehner do not have their heart in it and have been proven Cheese Loving Surrender Monkeys in the past. We are here at this juncture now because of the Tea Party’s willingness to primary establishment Repubs. Give them a “whiff of the grape” and you will find their attention marvelously focused. Remember your statement the next time primaries roll around.

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