My post Saturday on the obama as a unit of measurement (found here and here) had a bad math error that rather drastically overstated the amount of hypocrisy typically shown by Democrats about big contributor money when Obama is compared to Tim Pawlenty (they’re only being 588x as hypocritical, not 10,000x) . This was brought to my attention, and the data has been since corrected.
My apologies for any inconvenience.
Yeah, but it got you hate mail, so it can’t be ALL bad.
IIRC, the troll didn’t catch the error. If he had, he might have actually had a point….
I’m not exactly sure what ‘error’ means in this context, Jeff. It’s not the math is any more valid this way. 🙂
But that’s the beauty of these kinds of posts; it’s the cheerful mockery that’s the point, not the final answer.