Regarding my previous post: I spoke too soon.
A Florida teenager is behind bars as an accessory to the brutal murder of 16-year-old Jacob Hendershot. But that may not be the most shocking part of the crime – Stephanie Pistey says she believes she’s part vampire and part werewolf.
Ah, Florida. You are like a real-life Weekly World News*, only with an actual body count.
Moe Lane
*See, this is what I’m talking about. This is the good stuff.
Sidebar headline #1: “END OF WORLD: OCTOBER 21, 2011”
Sidebar headline #2: “FACEBOOK WILL END ON MARCH 15th, 2012!”
Come on Moe, move down here. It’s great!
It’s the heat Moe. And being knocked around those theme parks rides one too many times (they give us a discount).