Admit it. You knew this was going to happen eventually.
If the video doesn’t load, it shows one homeless person / Occupy Wall Street protester screaming rambling obscenities, up until another homeless person / Occupy Wall Street protester gets tired of it and assaults the first homeless person / Occupy Wall Street protester. Note that I am not particularly distinguishing between a homeless person and an Occupy Wall Street protester at this point; and, frankly? Neither should you.
No word yet whether two fifths of Thunderbird were involved in the making of this video, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: These people are nothing like the Tea Party. I refuse to pretend otherwise.
“He’s a police agent.” Yeah, likely story.
Remember kids, Hippies hate Metal (adding songs as quickly as I can find them). Make sure you have enough on your ipod/phone/pad when you go out today or tomorrow.
I’d rather they pound on each other than the boys in blue. Yeah I’m lookin at you Oakland.
At least if they pound on each other I can be entertained.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are all the Occupy sites governed by Democratic mayors? Wonder why they wouldn’t go to a Republican city…..