Have you bought enough yet to tide you over until 01/20/013?
Moe Lane
PS: I’d like to note for the record that I was originally in favor of the fluorescent bulbs… until it turned out that they didn’t actually last longer than incandescent bulbs, and that the mercury made disposal… problematic, by the government’s own rules set. I could live with an LED bulb, if they can prove the similarly-grandiose claims made for them and if the price goes down a bit. That’s not optimal for people who want the inefficiency in light creation (otherwise known as ‘heat generation’), but one step at a time.
Personally, I would just like to have the choice back.
Thanks Moe, for reminding me. Now my rage is burning hot and bright enough to not need light bulbs of any sort.
Well, it’s only 100 watt or higher bulbs which will disappear next year, the rest have a couple years’ reprieve. The limit is based upon energy usage, so the bigger drains go first.
The EPA has a page of instructions on the proper method to clean up if one of the new bulbs should break. First, you open the windows and ensure ventilation, and get kids and pets and people out of the area. Then you observe a home-brew form of HAZMAT handling, due to the mercury content. Mercury is a heavy metal poison; it does not degrade or deteriorate in the environment no matter how much time goes by. It’s toxicity is forever and ever, Amen.
One more example of today’s so-called “environmentalism” putting the environment second and leftist ideology first.
What I find interesting (infuriating) is a minor thing, but important to my 4 yr old daughter (which means it’s important to me). This reg will destroy a staple of American society. Anyone want to guess what Easy Bake Ovens use to cook the “food”?