11 thoughts on “Hey, I get to see a movie tonight. [UPDATE]”

  1. It doesn’t suck. If anything, I like it better than the first one. What’s interesting is how plausible the big bad’s plot is.

  2. It felt like the 3rd film in a trilogy more than the 2nd film in an unknown length set. Really gets going after the 30 minute long gay joke ends.

  3. Can’t really speak to the Sherlock Holmes movies, but I can heartily recommend the BBC One revisioning of “Sherlock”, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, If you’ve ever wondered what Sherlock Holmes would do if he had a smartphone and Internet access… well, go watch and find out. 🙂

    It’s available at Amazon Instant Video, or on Netflix streaming. You can watch at your convenience, unlike dragging out to the theater.

  4. I didn’t see it, but the rest of my family loved the new Sherlock movie. If you’re looking for alternatives, I saw “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol” with my brother the other day. I didn’t go in with very high expectations, but it pretty much rocked. Definitely worth seeing on the big screen.

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