#rsrh Have we reached diminishing returns on debates?

Jim Geraghty thinks so, I think: and certainly the way that my brain snapped last night during the Terry Schiavo question – WHAT THE [EXPLETIVE DELETED], NBC? – and I started chanting invocations to Cthulhu and Yog-Sothoth on Twitter would be evidence arguing against even more debates.  And I have a State of the Union address to watch tonight!  Oh, boy!

Seriously, they should never schedule one of these things back-t0-back to a legitimately major speech, ever again.  I feel almost [nauseated] at this point.

9 thoughts on “#rsrh Have we reached diminishing returns on debates?”

    1. Rob: It’s the price I pay for the fame and glory of being a RedState front-page Contributor: I have to wade through a lot of this crap.

  1. We passed the tipping point a while back, Moe .. the debates chew up significant time (for fundraising) for the non-self-financed campaigns, thus rewarding the self-financed (Romney) and the shoestring / dark horse types (Gingrich, Ron Paul) at the expense of We The People.



  2. I’m not watching the state of the union tonight. I have grave fears for my health if I were to watch our pos POTUS for that long. The man makes me physically ill every time I catch a picture of him during one of his all-too-often appearances on TV. I hope after November I may learn how to smile again.

    By the way. I know this is nitpicking, but I all-too-often see the word nauseous substituted for nauseated. Nauseous means something makes you nauseated. If you say you are nauseous if means you make others nauseated.

    I know, I’m being picky, but I feel these days as if the few educated among us are being inundated by the ignorant, and since I view you as the former and not the latter, I’d rather not see you make such a mistake.

    1. I take your specific point, Lee, but I would like to note for the record that generally I do in fact at least attempt to make selected groups nauseated on a regular basis. 🙂

  3. Is the drinking game phrase of the speech “fair share”?
    I don’t know if my liver would take it, but it would be the only way to watch this travesty.

  4. “I take your specific point, Lee, but I would like to note for the record that generally I do in fact at least attempt to make selected groups nauseated on a regular basis. :)”

    Gotcha. 😉

    From that angle, I make a lot of people nauseous, too. I make no secret of my opinion of their messiah. Let’s hope it doesn’t push some 99%er over the edge. It isn’t a very long trip.

  5. @Patrick: Go with the word “I” or “me”. He loves to talk about himself. You should be ptfo drunk inside of 15 minutes and then you don’t have to worry about him being on tv. 🙂

  6. Moe, I bet you could do your write up in advance and be 85-90% accurate. It’s not like there’s anything original in the empty suit; we’ve all heard every phrase of the speech before…..

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