#RSRH Elizabeth Warren: 1/32 Cherokee! See! That counts!

Clearly I should have been claiming to be a minority blogger for lo, all these many years.  Or college student.  Or worker.  Or anywhere else where it would have given me a leg up. – Because apparently people don’t bother to check, unless you run for office.

Hey, can I apply for my status now, and get all the retroactive benefits?  It turns out that I don’t mind at all being paid extra for stuff that I’ve already earned on my own merits.

Moe Lane

PS: Elizabeth Warren wants all you palefaces to know that it’s sexist to bring up her Cherokee ancestry[*].  Don’t try to think too hard about that: it’ll just give you a headache.

[*I had it pointed out to me in comments that the original Boston Herald link wasn’t the right Boston Herald link, which it was not; fortunately, Hot Air saved me about twenty minutes of searching for it (heck, that’s probably where I saw it first).  My bad, link fixed, and if you want to take HA’s position that this…

Once again, the qualifications and ability of a woman are being called into question by Scott Brown who did the same thing with the Supreme Court nomination of Elena Kagan. It’s outrageous.”

…is Warren saying that it’s sexist to bring up her claims of Cherokee ancestry that’s fine; that’s probably a more nuanced take anyway.]

10 thoughts on “#RSRH Elizabeth Warren: 1/32 Cherokee! See! That counts!”

  1. Oh look: Democrats implying that your “blood” determines who you are as a person and what you deserve.

  2. Moe:what is her ‘REAL NAME’? You know, the other one.
    ‘She Who Obfuscates’?
    ‘Lying White-Eyed Squaw’?

  3. Actually…that would count. I am a registered member of an American Indian tribe, and I too have a very low blood quanta. Tribes are allowed to set their own minimum blood requirements, and the Cherokee have none. They require only that you can prove your ancestry to someone on the Dawes Roll. So as far as I’m concerned, if she can prove her ancestry, she’s Cherokee and I have no problem with her taking advantage of such a status. If she can’t, though, that I have a problem with.

  4. Also, Moe, I’d kind of like you to document exactly where she claims it’s sexist to question her heritage. Because I saw nothing like that at your link.

    1. Demosthenes: That would be because I used the wrong link. Sorry about that:


      “If Scott Brown has questions about Elizabeth Warren’s well-known qualifications — from her high marks as a teacher to her nationally recognized work on bankruptcy and the pressures on middle class families – he ought to ask them directly instead of hiding behind the nasty insinuations of his campaign and trying to score political points. Once again, the qualifications and ability of a woman are being called into question by Scott Brown who did the same thing with the Supreme Court nomination of Elena Kagan. It’s outrageous.”

  5. Yup. That’s what I was looking for. And as per usual with Massachusetts Democrats, it’s also absolutely shameless.

  6. Yet more Cherokee blood shed in the never-ending War on Women. Oh, the humanity!

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