Hollywood reads the Declaration of Independence. [UPDATED]

[UPDATED: NotSoBlueStater notes in comments that this is from 2003, which argues that even though they read it, a large number of these people probably didn’t get it.  Such is life.]

This… isn’t bad.  They played it straight.  Tried to keep the frills under control.  Allowed the text for speak for itself.

:holding up hand: Yes, yes, I know your objections.  I even share some of them.  But at least now we know for certain that a couple of these people have actually read the damned thing.

Via @cayankee.

4 thoughts on “Hollywood reads the Declaration of Independence. [UPDATED]”

  1. I’m suspicious of the vintage here. Each of these people is probably close to a decade older than this now. And what year did the viability of Mel Gibson’s appearance expire? I smell 2004 (Just I guess. I swear I haven’t done the work yet), which makes the passion and conviction more logical. Defeating George Bush and the winning Revolutionary War are roughly equivalent to these folks — except Bush was worse, by like a trillion times!! John Kerry could and would have fixed it ALL. No, really, he would have.

  2. Hmmm…did anyone else think it was a little weird for Graham Greene’s only solo line to be the bit about the merciless Indian savages?
    And I think that Bruce Boxleitner ought to have been one of the readers…well, you know why…

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