Guess Obama’s not the only one with daddy issues out there.

Hate mail’s actually been a little sparse lately, but apparently my little post commenting on Obama’s resentment of his opponent’s more stable childhood and lack of abandonment issues struck a nerve:

Welcome, Fark readers!  Hope you either enjoy the site, or it makes you break out in hives.  Either way, feel free to hit the tip jar.  I use it to fuel my voracious appetite for nerdstuff.

Have a nice day!

Moe Lane

PS: Romney really did give his inheritance away, you know.  I was actually surprised to see that this was not more widely known, over on Fark…

5 thoughts on “Guess Obama’s not the only one with daddy issues out there.”

  1. The Romney campaign should be using this interview. I had no idea he gave away his inheritance to charity, and you would certainly not know that from the campaign coverage. the RNC should be shouting this from the rooftops. I was not a fan until I read this interview. Sure, he may not check all the conservative boxes but he sure as hell beats the alternative.

  2. What I hope is happening (re: Romney campaign) is that there are certain things that they know that the Obama campaign is wrong about, and they are happy to see him spend his coffers on those things. Like Bain. And the inheritance/silver spoon piece. There’s this feeling that Romney has let Obama define him. I don’t see it. It’s such a bunch of weak and easily diffused strawmen that when Romney finally unloads, Obama and Co. are going to look weak, petty, and possibly even stupid.

  3. … when Romney finally unloads, Obama and Co. are going to look weak, petty, and possibly even stupid.

    Too late. The Obama team already looks weak, petty, and stupid … Vicious, corrupt, and unethical, too.

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