Via Jim Geraghty’s Morning Jolt:
One of the things I’ve learned this week is that Republicans are the most incompetent racists ever. They’re just bloody awful at it.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) August 30, 2012
…but then, you knew that already. The GOP is, after all, the political party where a President who was the governor of a Southern state can casually say “We looked like a normal couple” when explaining how he and his (African-American) National Security Advisor managed to avoid being detected on their way to a surprise visit to the troops in Iraq*. Yet one more way that former President Bush continues to be a large, indigestible lump in the Left’s narrative… but I digress.
Moe Lane
*That, by the way, is what an actual dog whistle ‘sounds’ like: and the message that it gave to racists was You’re not welcome around here.