They’re praising Osama bin Laden’s name in protests all over Eusrasia and Africa – said protests starting on the anniversary of 9/11 – and Jay Carney thinks that this is all about a sh*tty movie that the government is currently trying to pressure YouTube into removing. I don’t know which would be worse: if this was cynicism on Carney’s part, or honest imbecility.
We’re deep, DEEEEEEP into Jake Blues territory here. “It wasn’t US spiking the football, it was that FIIIILLLM!”
I told my wife last night: this feels all kinds of dangerous. I wonder what it felt like in 1914 and 1939…
Heh. I’m thinking similar thoughts, @Doug.
The media didn’t provie an honest view about Germany in the 1930s, nor of Soviet Russia in the 1940s… and it’s not doing much to properly cover the ME now.
Chris Cilliza said Romney had the worst week – tnfriend can think of these right off the top of his head:
1. MSM who came off like clowns
2. Barack Obama who is a clown
3. Hiliary Clinton’s political career
4. Americans who were told to censor themselves by the President of the United States to salve the hurt feelings of psychotic thugs
5. Chris Stevens’ family who got to watch his dead body displayed like a trophy after he was sodomized and then murdered by a bunch of psychotic thugs
Jay Carney is the “Baghdad Bob” of Washington.
Baghdad Bob did a better job than Jay Carney.
We’re going to be back at the “Gates of Vienna” before you know it.
Baghdad Bob was fun. Carney is just shameful.
Yes, Catseye, but will “Atlas Shrugged” ?