Don’t know if I’m going to be able to get into this one – there are such things as budgets, and the well is not so much dry as it has been subjected to a dessication process – but it looks interesting, particularly the alternative settings. Plus, I know of (or even know) a bunch of the people writing for it.
So, check it out.
[UPDATE]: Or my wife can say, when I mentioned this post, “Ow, wow, are you going to Kickstarter Hillfolk?!?” and then spend five minutes raving about how using Robin Law’s concepts brought a whole new level of complexity and awesomeness to a one-shot that she was in. Which means that this now can go under House expenses, not personal ones. Hee.
I went to a High School our team name was the Hillmen.
Just backed the Redshirts card game (sounds funny in a munchkin way). Also the Laserman comic, met the creators at the Chicago con this August, funny comic book, definately a throw back comic style