7 thoughts on “Aww, Obama feels HAMPERED by not having Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.”

  1. Evidently, Mr. Campaigner, Mr. the-gun-is-my-skill-list, can’t figure out how to sell his ideas outside his own voter plantations.
    So sad, too bad.

  2. If I could pick the exact circumstances under which I have to do my job, I’d be pretty darn good.

    1. If you’re not influencing the circumstances of your job to your best advantage …
      He was sold to us as a great salesman.. and is failing to sell. It seems the marketing literature was wrong.

      1. It is astonishing to me how people are so eager to give him a pass on not being able to do anything unless he has overwhelming democratic majorities. That’s not an executive.

        1. That’s because he’s *not* an executive.
          He’s a demigod, or an orator, or a bully.. and while some of those skills may be useful to an executive, they are not – as Bush 2.0 demonstrated – mandatory.
          The only thing Obama is good at, it seems, is campaigning .. and then only for Obama.

          1. I had a long chat with a staunch Illinois Democrat*, back in 2006.. we agreed that Obama should try to replace Blagojevich as Governor before running for anything else …
            *Downstate Democrat, to be specific, not Chicago Corruptocrat.

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