Just… vaccinate your kids, OK? Or if you won’t, paint ’em blue or something so that I know which kids on the playground to keep mine away from. I can’t believe that I have to still write this in 2013, but welcome to our marvelous modern world.
Vaccinate your kids.
Via Instapundit.
So the Holy Church of Wakefield is claiming more victims.
And don’t forget Jenny McCarthy and the rest of the know-nothing Hollywood anti-vaccination crowd.
I’ve personally seen too many children dead, maimed, or simply critically ill from vaccine-preventable disease to be dispassionate on this one.
I say mandatory vaccinations only for highly infectious diseases because the low but real risk of a reaction to the vaccine is so much less than the risk of not being vaccinated.
However, vaccines for less contagious diseases, such as Hep-B, should be recommended but voluntary.
I am not talking of the scare tactics of the anti-vaccine crew but the fact that every medical procedure carries some risk. That is why we have limited liability funds such as the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 set up for injuries caused by reactions to vaccinations.
I wouldn’t let my girls or grand daughters take the Gardisil vaccine because of all the side effects.
Hell, every medicine they make these days have the potential for serious side effects. The meds I take for Hep C can possibly cause severe depression and thoughts of suicide, as well as other less dangerous, but nonetheless. One of them caused my heart to go into A-fib and necessitated an emergency visit to the hospital where they shaved my chest, knocked me out and shocked my heart back into rhythm. Another med caused severe butt-hurt, if you catch my drift…for about 14 weeks.
So, vaccines are 100% safe, right? If not, how many kids are harmed by vaccines every year? And please, no lectures, just facts.
According to the CDC, the rate of severe side-effects from the MMR and MMRV vaccines (which are the ones that have the most controversy) is one in one million and one in four million, respectively.
I provide this information as a courtesy to a long-time and valued reader: but this is not an invitation to debate the matter further.
I was going to say “You know that waking up in the morning isn’t 100% safe, right?” but then Moe isn’t asking for debate so I won’t say that.
Parents who love their children but distrust Big Government, Big Business and Big Science are the ones who don’t vaccinate their children. Mocking such concerned parents or telling them to “Shut up and vaccinate your kids!” probably isn’t the most effective way to influence such people. Independent (i.e. non-government) studies, honesty (yes, some kids are harmed by vaccines), and information about ongoing advances to make vaccines even safer would probably be more effective. And excuse my cognitive dissonance at “conservatives” who say vaccines should be mandatory.
:cough: …” this is not an invitation to debate the matter further.”
I think the important distinction is between vaccinations for highly contagious diseases and those vaccinations for diseases that are transmitted via intimate contact. There are risks to everything and that includes real risks to public health for not getting vaccinations.
I find it perfectly reasonable for schools to refuse admission to non-vaccinated children but only wrt diseases that are spread via casual contact.
I, on the other paw, don’t have any problem with schools mandating “intimate contact” vaccinations as well – provided the opt-out is as easy as it is for all the other vaccinations.
Those have *got* to be easy, given some of the believe-anythings who opt their kids out of the whooping cough shot…
Follow-up. I was initially skeptical of Gov. Perry’s Gardasil decision, but .. I concluded that the left have sufficiently neutered the old social-enforcement mechanisms (shame, religion) and replaced it with schools teaching how to do “intimate contact” (put the condom on this cucumber..) that .. if we’re gonna give ’em our kids, we need to make sure they’ll survive the process physically as well as mentally.
I have a nephew whose family is struggling to come up with a couple of hundred dollars for an intimate contact vaccine so that he can continue in college next fall. Gardasil was estimated to cost over $400 for those not covered; we chipped in and altogether paid the $400 for those covered. Let people decide what they want to cover if you want affordable heath care. Obama figured to pay for everything with Other People’s Money and so he made everything mandatory.