And the GOP primary debate hardball dance continues.

Nice sidestep on the debate issue there, Chairman:

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Sunday that his organization’s planned debate boycott was focused on NBC and CNN – which plan to air films about Hillary Clinton – and not companies which may produce those projects.

Priebus, speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,” was responding to a question from Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley about a report in The New York Times that Fox Television Studios was in the “early stages” of talks to produce NBC’s miniseries about Clinton, set to star Diane Lane. Fox Television Studios is a corporate sibling of Fox News Channel and the Fox broadcast network.

“The big question for me, Candy, is number one, which company is putting it on the air? Who is doing the work? I’m not interested if they’re using the same caterer or whether they all drink Diet Coke and I’m not boycotting Diane Lane,” Priebus said.

…and I am being genuinely complimentary.  Walking down the Who made this? road would inevitably end in tears; too many companies have too many working relationships with other companies to make a production-based voluntary boycott work.  A distribution-based voluntary boycott, however, is a completely different story… and one that does not let CNN and/or NBC off of the hook.  Remember, Priebus wants to shrink the list of primary debates as much as he can.  Thus, ‘sidestep’… which, of course, is a combat maneuver that one uses to avoid an attack while still remaining in combat.

We will now pause as the Usual Suspects proclaim DOOM for the Republican party anyway.  I should be more tolerant of such behavior: after all, it’s an off year election cycle and people need to do something with their time.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

7 thoughts on “And the GOP primary debate hardball dance continues.”

  1. I still don’t get why we are even talking to any “news” org about sponsoring a debate. We/RNC can hold it, offer it free on the ‘net/CSPAN and allow the “news” orgs a feed to it if they’d like. This ain’t 1976 anymore.
    Though I do like the hardball played against CNNBC for the sake of it.

    1. “Certainly the game is rigged. Don’t let that stop you; if you don’t play, you can’t win!” — RAH
      That said .. we have a reason and an opportunity to change the ground on which we fight – to change the way the game is rigged.
      Should Reince be playing softball – okay, maybe fast-pitch softball – with the networks or just scorching the earth they think they own?

      1. I guess my plan would be to force them to cancel the Hildocu and *then* let them know that they’re out anyways. Because (expletive deleted) them, (expletive deleted) them right in the (expletive deleted).

        1. You left out “and the horse they rode in on”, but other than that .. yeah.
          The problem I see Reince having to figure out is .. how to keep the media-whores in the GOP from cutting a separate deal.

  2. It’s a pity he couldn’t just say:
    “The big question for me, Candy, is number one, how does an extreme political non-virgin* like you have the gall to ask us why we’re reacting to your network’s naked partisanship, when even you have expressed reservations about the propriety of CNN shilling for Hillary Clinton with this blatant piece of propaganda?”
    * Originally I had used a different word here.

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